Faith, Hope and Love: Encouragement for Women

Life lessons learned from a woman, wife and mother living it.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Faith and Hope and Love

Just thought that maybe I should explain more about the name (faithandhopeandlove). My goal for this website is to help other women. There are three major things that concern women today: faith, hope and love. Faith in God and having a relationship with Him. Hope in the future for your own well-being physically, mentally and emotionally. And Love for others and how to develop healthy relationships. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." There are three things in this world in which no one can take away from you. These are things in which we are soley responsible for ourselves and how we develop these things in or lives will determine our quality of life. These are the only things that are eternal and we will take with us in heaven. So we should spend the majority of our time pursuing faith, hope and love. In other words, these are our priorities and how we should have them. Our faith, or relationship with God is the most important aspect of our lives. Without this first priority in perspective, the other two will be messed up. So whenever you are faced with problems dealing with hope or love, before you do anything, you must first make sure that your relationship with God is pleasing to Him. I suspect that when this is all it was meant to be, that the problems of life will either go away or seem less important. That is why this website will be concentrating on these three things so much. When you are in the midst of a tough situation, the only things that will ease your struggle is clinging to faith in God, hope for the future, and the love from others. "But the greatest of these is love." All love comes from God because God is love. His love is perfect and unconditional. It is agape love. It is from this that we are given the ability to love others. If you don't know His perfect love today, let me encourage you to seek Him. "There is no greater love than this, that He lay down His life for a friend." God came down to earth in the form of a man, as His son Jesus Christ and gave up His life for you, dear reader. If you were the only person on earth, He still would have sacrificied everything for your soul. I hope that as you continue your day, you will feel that love in your soul.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Beginning Of A Journey

Today is the beginning of a journey that I hope to embark on for the rest of my life. The goal of this little adventure is to pass on the things that I am learning in my own life and through the lives of others, in order to help those of you out there who are dealing with certain issues. I am new at this, so today, my goal is just to set up a site and then go from there. I will start this journey with a bible verse that is one of my favorites. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I know that God has a plan for my life as well as yours. We often come up with our own life plans, and then something happens and things don't go according to how we have expected. But what I am realizing is that God has a plan that is far bigger and greater and more fulfilling than anything I could ever come up with. So I hope you know that today and that you can take comfort to know that God is in control of your future. Even is you don't know what is ahead and it may be scary, God is already planning and preparing things so that His perfect plan will be accomplished. So to quote a wise woman I know very well, "If life gets you down, turn it into a rivoting game of limbo." In other words make the most of what life brings your way, by learning, leaning and of course, "limbo"ing. Learning all that you can to become a better person and closer to who God wants you to be and leaning on God for peace, strength and wisdom.

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