Faith, Hope and Love: Encouragement for Women

Life lessons learned from a woman, wife and mother living it.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

How I Lost Weight: My great secrets

1. Drink lots of water every day- Drinking lots of water fills you up so you are less hungry for other things. Whenever you have a craving for something "bad" try a nice warm cup of herbal tea. Cutting out all pop can help a lot of people with just one step.

2. Eat lots of fiber and I mean lots- Eating lots of fiber fills you up so you are less hungry for other things. (Whole wheat foods, Triscuit crackers, broccoli, potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, peas, applesause, bananas, beans, etc,)

3. Cravings? What do I do about them?- I crave chocolate, so I bought the little tiny miniature candy bars and whenever I have a craving I eat one and only one. I also bought some yummy hard candies. By the time you are done sucking on one of those you forget about your other craving.

4. Exercise?- Not really. But I do stay busy with various activities. The key is to be moving and not to be stagnant in front of the TV or a book all day. For those of you who work at a job at a desk. Try getting up and walking around the office every so often imbetween tasks.

5. Count calories and fat grams?- Nope. I just try to make every meal a healthy meal. But I don't lose sleep over a cheeseburger (actually I might due to heartburn) You don't have to be into tofu and rice cakes all the time. Just try to have the essentials in every meal (fruits and veggies).

6. I moved to a bigger house with stairs. I try to go up and down them lots of times a day. Also cleaning a big house is a workout, but even mopping a tiny bathroom can be a workout if you scrub, scrub, scrub. So can sweeping, vacuuming, rearranging the furniture, carrying a baby, etc. When doing these tasks clean like your life depends on it. Take your anger out on the floor. Mop with all your might. You will be sweating when you are done.

If I think of more later I will post them, but for now here are my great secrets to how I lost weight.


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