If I had all the time in the world I would . . . .
1. Do Nothing!!!!
2. Read a million books.
3. Watch all the good movies I have missed out on while raising children.
4. Call all of my long lost friends.
5. Blog more.
6. Paint my nails and maybe do my hair and wear makeup.
7. Spend more "quality" time with my husband.
8. Sleep, sleep and more sleep.
9. Get a master's degree.
10. Help everyone in the world who needs help.
11. Clean my house.
12. Since I would have a clean house, I would have people over.
13. Cook a 7 course meal occasionally
14. Shop til I dropped, but also found some good bargains I'm sure.
15. Get some more pets.
16. Study the Bible more.
And the list goes on and on and on, but I really wouldn't trade any of these things for the opportunity to spend every day with my children. It may be a "sacrifice" but it is worth 10 times more than all of these things put together. Hearing laughter and singing and all the things the come with childhood bring more joy to my heart than any of these things ever could (accept studying the Bible more).
So, really if I had all the time in the world (and possibly money), I would adopt lots of children who need lots of love. "What the world needs now. . . is love sweet love." (Words from a popular old song)
I like it! Good job. Go on.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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