The Rainbow Connection

Friday night as my family was driving home there was a severe thunderstorm to the south and sunshine to the north so we began looking around for rainbows. To the east of us, we saw the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen in my life. It was so big and clear. I could see the entire arch. As I gazed upon this radiant miracle, I remembered how God told Noah to remember the promise never to flood the earth again. Remembering this covenant from God gave me a sense of awe and love as I felt encumbered by God's love. I felt protected by his mighty power. I was amazed. The rainbow seemed to reach across the sky and protect me from all the bad things of this world. At that moment I connected with God. I felt safe that the God of the universe who created such a magnificent sight also created me and loved me just as He also loves you. Next time you see a rainbow, I pray that you also will have a rainbow connection with God.
One of the best times God amazed me with his creation was when you got married and the sun came in through the church skylights like a spotlight while you and your husband were kneeling at the altar. It seemed like God was telling me not to worry that He would be with you even though I couldn't.
Now God amazes me with little yellow birds feeding out the window, the baby birds growing in the nest and a little child grabbing my hand while he talks to me.
"The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge." Ps 19 ESV
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