Rock A Bye Baby
It is a shame that I feel guilty for rocking my baby to sleep. What a baby needs most is love and affection from it's mother. Society seems to be telling us now that instead of loving and holding our children, we are spoiling them. Since when is loving a child, spoiling them. Spoiling them is buying them tons of stuff they don't need. If a baby wants his mama he is spoiled. If he doesn't go to sleep on his own, he is spoiled. So when is a mama allowed to rock her baby. A mother's arms is the safest place in the world for a baby. I still feel safe in my mother's arms. Holding, loving, cuddling, rocking. All these things are affection which leads to a calmer, more secure child. So fellow moms, lets get back to loving our children and be proud of it! Rock that baby, cuddle with that preschooler, and always keep hugging and kissing them forever and don't ever feel bad about it!
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